47th BCS Result 2025 has been published by BPSC. If you have been a candidate for the BCS Exam then it is a great news for you. You can find your BCS Exam Results from here. Usually, BPSC GOV BD Results are announced a few months after the examination stages are completed. The exam was taken on two months ago and now the result is here. 

From here, the candidates can find BCS Preliminary Result, BCS Written Result and also the BCS Viva Results which is also known as the BCS Final Results. BPSC publishes the result in PDF format, candidates have to download the PDF to know the results. Luckily, I have attached the BCS Result PDF so that all the candidates can download it from here. Your name is listed in the PDF if you are successfully passed. The successful candidates will go for the next procedure. 

BCS Result 2024

Some newspapers are publishing this BCS Results. But most of the candidates like to see their results from the PDF file. Results are often published in national newspapers, Includes the roll numbers of the successful candidates.

Each Candidate can download a PDF file containing the list of successful candidates. For your convenience, you can know your BCS Exam Results via SMS method. It is an easy and relevant way to know the result. You just have to send one SMS from your mobile phone and your result will be sent to your phone. 

Success in the BCS exam opens up doors to various prestigious government positions in Bangladesh. Thats why most of the public-university students select BCS as their goal. These positions offer job security, social status, and opportunities for career advancement.

Preliminary Result

From the BCS Preliminary Result, we can see that very low percentage of candidates become successful in the MCQ exam. It is because there is a huge number of candidates applied for the exam and took part. But not all of them have taken enough preparation for the BCS. It is assumed that BCS is the most hard exam in our country. So, whoever have taken much preparation get through this part. 

Candidates, you can download the PDF file or you can know your BCS Preliminary Exam Result by SMS method. I have shown both method on this post. You can simply download the BCS Preli Result PDF from here since it is attached here. You will search by your registration number to find your name in the list. If you find your name in the list that means you are successfully passed. 

Written Result

For your kind information, BCS Written Result is published through the bpsc.gov.bd website. A PDF file has been published for this written result. The name of all the successful candidate are listed in this PDF.

BPSC Publishes the BCS Written Exam Results by two methods. First of all, they publish the result PDF through online portal. Also the authority lets the candidates know their results by SMS method. You can easily know your result by sending SMS from your mobile phone.

While we talk about the BCS Written Result, a lot of candidates are being worried about their results. It is because the written exam is really hard to pass, 900 marks exam is not so easy. However, now it is time for all the candidates to know their results.

Viva Result

BCS Viva Result is also known as the BCS Final Results. Well, this is the most important part of the BCS Examination Procedure. This result shows the candidates list who have been successful and been referred for different post of public service. 

You maybe wondering how to check the BCS Viva Result. Please dont be worried, you can find your results from here. BPSC has published a PDF file for the viva result through the main website bpsc gov bd and also by bpsc teletalk com bd. However, here is the result PDF shared so that the viva candidates can download the result PDF.

How to Check BCS Result?

As I have told earlier, there are two ways to know the BCS Results 2024. First of all, you can know your result by SMS method. Just by sending one SMS from your mobile phone, you can know your results. I am showing you the way to check result.

SMS method-

  • Open your mobile SMS 
  • You have to type the SMS
  • You can follow this format- BCS <> 46 <> Your Registration Number
  • Example: BCS 46 41258963
  • Then send this SMS to 16222

Note: Please wait for a few moments after you have sent the SMS. Make sure you have typed the right registration number. Your result will be sent to your mobile phone. 

Online method-

You can directly download the BCS Result PDF which is given here. You can download the PDF and search for your result in the PDF. Also you can download the result PDF from the main website. Follow the instructions-

  • Go to the main website bpsc.gov.bd
  • There, go to the Notice Section
  • You will find the BCS Result PDF 
  • Download the PDF from there

Conclusion: Candidates, I know this result is very important for you. If you are passed, then you will go for the next procedure. BPSC will publish a notice for the next procedure. You will get the notice on this website. Until then, keep patience.